Tag Archives: april holmes

People that are inspiring…First up: April Holmes

I appreciate all the feedback I have received on the blog. The positive response has been overwhelming, and I have plenty of video and new content. Now I just need to find time to edit it.

A few people have encouraged me to add some inspirational stories of people overcoming a difficult situation and making the best of it. I will begin featuring some of those stories today!

April Holmes was involved in a train accident about 10 years ago. As a result of the accident, she lost her left leg below her knee. Her surgeon at the time let her know about the Paralympics, and she set her mind that she would be in them one day.

She now holds many records in the T-44 class and has the distinction of being the first female athlete of the Jumpman Brand. April also has a foundation that, “assists physically and learning disabled individuals to reach their goals by encouraging them to rise above any obstacles that will give them an opportunity to develop to their full potential; thus, realizing that the opportunity of a challenge is rewarded with success.”

Check out her website and follow her on Twitter as she finds many insprirational quotes/words of wisdom/words of encouragement: @aprilholmes

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